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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Veterans Boulevard Intersection Improvements

Project Description

This project incorporates the design and construction of new turn lanes at various intersections along Veterans Boulevard. New left and right turn lanes will be added with sidewalk modifications.

Project Location

  • Veterans Boulevard @ Atwater Street – East and Westbound right turn lanes
  • Veterans Boulevard @ Yorkshire Street – East and Westbound right turn lanes
  • Veterans Boulevard @ Harbor Boulevard – East and Westbound right turn lanes
  • Veterans Boulevard @ Orlando Boulevard – Eastbound right turn lane
  • Veterans Boulevard @ Torrington Street – Eastbound right turn lane
  • Veterans Boulevard @ Loveland Boulevard – Eastbound right turn lane
  • Veterans Boulevard @ Norman Street – Eastbound right turn lane

Latest Updates

Veterans Boulevard @ Torrington Street intersection. 90% plans are completed. Project on hold for funding.

Veterans Boulevard @ Loveland Boulevard intersection. 90% plans are completed. Project on hold for funding.

Veterans Boulevard @ Yorkshire Street intersection. 90% plans are completed. Project on hold for funding.

Veterans Boulevard @ Harbor Boulevard intersection. 90% plans are completed. Project on hold for funding.

Veterans Boulevard @ Orlando Boulevard intersection. 90% plans are due for review on September 23, 2024

Veterans Boulevard @ Atwater Street intersection. Design survey has started. 60% plans are due for review on September 16, 2024

Veterans Boulevard @ Norman Street intersection. Design survey has started. 60% plans are due for review on October 14, 2024


Phase Cost
Design $813,637.50
Construction $2,579,754.16
Total Budget $3,393,391.66
Funding source(s):

Gas Tax C411620

State Funded Grant


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Planning and Approval 02/11/2019 08/14/2019 08/14/2019
Design Development 09/02/2020 12/15/2024
Construction 10/21/2024 07/25/2025

Supporting Materials

Veterans Boulevard Intersection Improvements Project Image

Project Phase
Design Development

Last Updated

Project Manager
Jeff Keyser

Public Relations
Tracy Doherty
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Sponsor Department
Public Works

Design Engineer/Architect
Florida Transportation Engineering

Construction Contractor

Delivering Exceptional Service

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