The Board of County Commissioners approved the Charlotte 2050 Comprehensive Plan on July 20, 2010. Because of challenges to the adoption of the plan, the effective date of the plan was delayed until June 15, 2011.
Charlotte 2050 is a document that establishes the vision of the citizens about how the County will grow in the future. It contains goals, objectives, and policies that reflect this vision and which guide development and preservation.
View a list of all Ordinances that have amended the Charlotte 2050 comprehensive plan. Click on the Ordinance number in the list to open the Ordinance.
Charlotte 2050 Updates
Charlotte County is updating Charlotte 2050, our comprehensive plan, which establishes the vision citizens have about how the County will grow in the future. It is made up of goals, objectives, and policies that reflect this vision and which guide development and preservation.
Public input is critical to the process, and we need your help. We are requesting public comment for the vision of the plan, and for specific comments on the goals, objectives, and policies of the plan.
Charlotte 2050 was originally adopted in 2010 and some amendments have been made during the implementation of the plan. However, most of the background Data and Analysis that forms the basis of the plan has not been updated since it was adopted. This 2020 update will refresh the background information, review the plan’s vision, and examine all the goals, objectives, and policies to make sure that they fit with the updated data and vision.
An Evaluation and Appraisal Review letter must be submitted to the State of Florida by April 1, 2021, indicating how Charlotte 2050 may need to be revised. Following the acceptance of this letter, any revisions and amendments to Charlotte 2050 must be adopted by April 1, 2022.
Public Visioning
In October of 2019, five public visioning workshops were held across the County to ask County residents four questions about their vision for the future. The details of those workshops and their results are presented in a memo: Visioning Workshops Results Memo
The next step is to refine those results. An online poll has been created to help rank the results and further focus the vision of Charlotte 2050: Take the Online Poll
Evaluation and Appraisal Review
Under Florida law, counties must review their comprehensive plans every seven years through an Evaluation and Appraisal Review (EAR) to determine whether the plan needs to be amended to reflect changes in State requirements. It is also an opportunity to review and update the plan in general. Charlotte County’s last EAR was completed in 2014, and our next one is due April 1, 2021.
This review will look at all ten elements of the comprehensive plan, update the background Data and Analysis sections, and evaluate whether the existing policies need to be amended to reflect changes in State requirements, changes in the plan’s vision, or changes in the background data.
Public comment on any portion of the comprehensive plan may be submitted via email to
Following the submission of the EAR in 2021, the County will have one year to adopt any amendments to the comprehensive plan that were called for in the EAR. This page will be used to show the progress of the plan review and any proposed amendments to the plan.