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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Kings Highway Widening

Project Description

This project is to widen Kings Highway from Sandhill Boulevard to the Desoto County line. This design and construction is to replace the existing roadway with a new 4 lane divided roadway with protected turn lanes. The design also includes utility infrastructure, street lighting and pedestrian sidewalks.

Project Location

Kings Highway from Sanhill Boulevard to the Desoto County line

Latest Updates

Johnson Engineering is currently working with the permitting agencies.

90% plans are due late September 2024.


Phase Cost
Design $910,000
Construction $9,233,000
Total Budget $10,143,000
Funding source(s):

Road Impact Fee's C410501

Utility Repair and Replacement Fund C362205


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Planning and Approval 12/12/2022 03/14/2023 02/23/2023
Design Development 02/23/2023 12/16/2024
Construction 04/07/2025 04/24/2026

Supporting Materials

Kings Highway Widening Project Image

Project Phase
Design Development

Last Updated

Project Manager
Jeff Keyser

Public Relations
Tracy Doherty
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Sponsor Department
Public Works

Design Engineer/Architect
Johnson Engineering

Construction Contractor

Delivering Exceptional Service

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